You CAN Heal Your Life!

When numerous things of the same ilk happen to you over a short span—-pay attention; they are happening FOR you.     Many of my friends have been experiencing physical dis-ease or health issues recently that have stopped them dead in their tracks.

I am thankful to remember a book I always used in my coaching practice for years, which is @Louse Hay “You Can Heal Your Life.”  #healyourlife You look up the physical issue you are having and she discussed potential emotional issues and gives you affirmations to use to resolve the issue.   What I have found it that it has profound accuracy regarding what is going on in the life of the person experiencing the upset.

If you having some type of physical issue right now, first may I say I am sorry for your discomfort.   Next I encourage you to look at this situation as an opportunity to look at a deeper issue that potentially could be coming up for discard/perception/healing/or releasing.

If you need help in figuring this out,  as always, feel free to reach out to me.    It would be my privilege to be of service to you!

Namaste, my dear ones!


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